Inland transportation

Road transport of vehicles​

Road transport

Road transport Vehicle purchase prices are not the final expense. Unfortunately, you have to take into account the additional costs of the transport. The cost of delivery of the purchased passenger car from the place of purchase to the nearest port depends mainly on the distance between, as well as the technical condition of the vehicle. Buyers should include additional road freight costs in their calculation, which averaged $ 1.50 per mile. The distances between cities can be easily checked using the link 

Dokumentacja transportowa, Transport drogowy pojazdów

It is worth remembering about the costs of bringing the vehicle by land. After purchasing the car, take it to the port using the shipping company’s transport services. After picking up the car from the sea port  your car again have to be delivered on tow truck or flat bed to your destination address. Before picking up a car from the port, you must pay a customs duty and  tax or make transit customs clearance.