A COC (Certificate of Conformity) is a declaration of the conformity with the type approval of EC. The purpose of this document is to ensure the free movement of goods within the European Union, specifically for those goods that are subject to homologation and registration.
A COC is a producer’s declaration that the vehicle complies with the given approved type. This document contains information about the vehicle and its producer’s identification, type approval number, technical specifications and other data. The content of a COC is defined by EU regulation (Amendment IX, Regulation 92/53). Vehicles without the EU specification (e.g. vehicle manufactured for the U.S. or Japanese market) and older vehicles that have not been given the type approval of the EC yet, do not have an existing COC. Similarly, it is not possible to issue a COC for converted vehicles. A COC is only obtainable for passenger vehicles, motorcycles and tractors.
Homologation is the term for the whole vehicle approval process. An approval is a government-issued certificate that allows a product to enter a market. Certification by a country that a good (usually equipment goods) conforms to its safety and security standards. Certification is granted to a product that meets a minimum set of regulatory technical & safety requirements as notified by the respective Government
The European Homologation is the homologation that each state of the European Union can issue, following a request by the manufacturer and on the basis of the positive results, after the controls carried out by the entities in charge, by sending a copy to all member states.
If you have imported a vehicle from abroad, in most countries you will need the Certificate of conformity to confirm, that it is a European model and can be driven in the traffic without the need for any modifications. The registration process of an imported vehicle differs in individual EU countries.
Usually first issuance of the COC is free and the certificate of conformity is delivered when buying brand new car directly from the car dealer. If you are buying a used car, second-hand car, light goods vehicle, scooter or motorcycle, then there is great chance that your COC has already been issued for the first time and every other copy called duplicate is chargeable.
The manufacturer, who has the correct dataset for the COC, charges a price for every other print of the COC. Therefore there is always a price for Certificate of conformity. Certificate of conformity is a document issued solely by car producer / manufacturer. Coc is a document providing information about the vehicle at the moment of its production, that’s why only the manufacturer can have all necessary technical details about it.
If your car was first registered in one of these countries, then the COC is not possible at all because it does not comply with European standards and does not have a European type-approval number. The Certificate of conformity is a proof evidence that a vehicle meets all the requirements set by EU regulations.